
“Life changing”

A PhD student was in the middle of moving interstate when she received the “life-changing” news she had won the major prize in the Act for Kids Platinum Class Lottery. 

Lockyer Valley woman Tracy E scored a brand-new Mercedes Benz GLA 250 SUV valued at more than $84,000 after she purchased three tickets for $100 in the lottery drawn on May 3. 

“I was relocating back to Queensland, so I bought a ticket as a celebration of my return home and I won!” an overjoyed Tracy explained. 

“I had just crossed the border back into Queensland when the call came in to say I was a winner.” 

The student believed her incredible fortune was a sign from the universe.

“It was a surreal and affirming moment supporting my decision to come back home where my heart is and where I feel the happiest,” she said. 

“It has been such an incredible experience – it just feels like everything is pointing out to me that this is the right place to be.”

Tracy entered the lottery after seeing an advertisement for it on Facebook. 

“I had previously supported Act for Kids a few years ago and when the advert pointed out how great the chances were of winning, that was the deciding factor,” she said. 

“I also wanted to support the tremendously important work Act for Kids does.”

The lucky winner planned to keep the car for personal use and won an extra $10,000 for being a multi-buyer of lottery tickets. 

“The vehicle I had been driving was very old and likely to need some substantial mechanical repairs,” Tracy said. 

“Before this, I had spent hours and hours scrolling through Facebook Marketplace and looking at different second-hand vehicles to buy, so this prize is literally life changing. 

“I can’t believe I have been so lucky – it’s a dream come true and I’m so grateful.”

Funds raised from the Act for Kids Platinum Class Lottery helps the organisation deliver evidence-led professional therapy and support services to children and families who have experienced or are at risk of harm. 

“It was meant to be”

Supporter I.Q was delighted by the news he had won the Act for Kids Platinum Class Lottery first prize!

I.Q was about to purchase a new car, the day he found out he was the winner of a brand-new Mercedes- Benz C200 Sedan, valued at $86,708!

The first call he made after finishing up the winner’s phone call with Act for Kids CEO Dr Katrina Lines was to the car dealership, cancelling his order!

“It was meant to be” he says, “I was looking to buy a smaller car, so this win came at the perfect time”.

I.Q is a long-term supporter of Act for Kids Platinum Class Lottery and purchased tickets online, when he had money to spare. This makes him a multi-buyer which means he also won $20,000 and can choose from either platinum bullion or a travel voucher.

“The whole process was quite smooth and the team at Mercedes-Benz Brisbane were very nice and helpful”.

Congratulations winner I.Q!

To show your support and for your chance to be our next lottery winner call 1800 968 946 or visit

“We couldn’t believe what we had just heard”

The lucky Victorian winner and his wife were in utter shock and disbelief when they received an unexpected call that they had just won a brand-new Mercedes-Benz. To make it more of a surprise, they had completely forgotten the car was even being drawn that day!

“We couldn’t believe what we had just heard” he said.

The couple told Act for Kids they were worried it may have been a scam call, so they didn’t answer on the first ring.

“I thought- who would be calling on a Sunday?”

The winner was also a multi-buyer and has been generously supporting Act for Kids since 2019 which means, on top of the car, he also has the choice of $10,000 holiday or $10,000 platinum bullion.

“Act for Kids is such a great cause. I love the reach it has not just in Queensland but all over Australia.”

He explained he is particularly fond of the work Act for Kids is doing for children, young people and families in the region of Broadmeadows in Victoria

Act for Kids opened the centre in 2018 and since then, has helped hundreds of children heal from trauma.

A massive congratulations to the Victorian man and his wife on winning Platinum Class Lottery Draw 101. We thank them for their generous support over the past 4 years.

To find out how you can become a winner head to

“Winning Platinum Class Lottery the ‘icing on the cake’ for Brisbane family who now have a new outlook on life”

On the day of our Platinum Class Lottery draw 90 our lucky winner and his wife had received their first COVID-19 vaccinations and were feeling unwell due to temporary side effects.

“We were not enjoying the day at all until I received the call… I was ecstatic and could not wait to tell my wife. Strangely the adverse side effects from our COVID shots disappeared very quickly,” he told our team.

The Queensland winner explained he and his wife had been caring for their profoundly deaf daughter and her ADHD children for many years describing the winning call as so greatly appreciated.

“This win certainly changed our outlook on life in a very positive way. We feel we can cope much better with our family situation and the continuing responsibilities we have in caring for them into our final years,” he explained.

Incredibly, our lucky winner has had been supporting Act for Kids as a Platinum Class Lottery auto-buyer for more than 12 years.

“I never dreamed I would actually win anything. I just liked the idea that my support helped provide much needed funds for Act for Kids to continue their great work.”

Coincidentally, an Act for Kids therapist had been supporting the family since the start of the year.

“His high standard of professionalism and obvious care and compassion has provided us with invaluable support” the winner explained.

The Brisbane man describing the win as the “icing on the cake.”

Act for Kids wishes our lucky winner, his wife and their family all best for the future and would like to thank him for helping to keep kids safe, heal from trauma and lead happy lives. 

For your chance to be the next winner, visit

“I was in total disbelief”

It was one week before Christmas when a Victorian woman received the much-anticipated email from the Act for Kids team telling her she’d won a prize and to call the Chief Executive Officer Dr Katrina Lines. It wasn’t until the next day when she made an apprehensive call to find out she’d won not one but two brand new Mercedes-Benz vehicles and a Platinum Bullion worth 20 thousand dollars.

“My initial reaction was ‘What do you mean?’ on the phone…I was in total disbelief to have won two new cars. Who wins two new cars?” she said.  

It had been a challenging year for the woman with her husband unable to work for two years due to a medical condition. “It has been difficult, to say the least, to live on one income, with paying rent, household bills and expenses,” she explained.

The winner began her Act for Kids Platinum Class Lottery journey after receiving her tax return in 2020. “When I read about the difference Act for Kids makes, I decided to make a purchase,” the woman said. 

It was the first time the woman from Doncaster East in Victoria purchased a ticket in the Act for Kids Platinum Class Lottery, buying a total of six, and winning a total first prize pool valued at $143,521.16. The highest total prize pool value given in 2020. She won an A-Class A250 Hatchback and an A-Class A250 Sedan valued at $121,021.60. Two and a half thousand dollars towards the cost of transporting the vehicle to Victoria and $20,000 of Platinum Bullion.

Congratulations to our lucky winner!

If you would like to start your Act for Kids lottery journey, or you’re feeling lucky  – tickets are now available for the 89th lottery draw. You can purchase tickets by visiting

First time lucky!

Dennis and his partner were at home cooking dinner, like any other week night, when they answered a call that would change their life.

When Dennis from Victoria received the news from Act for Kids CEO Dr Neil Carrington that he had just won a brand new Mercedes-Benz worth almost $100,000, he was speechless.

“At first we couldn’t believe it and we thought it was a joke or a scam,” he said.

Considering themselves ‘the most unlucky people in the world’ and still not convinced of their winnings, it took a second phone call from Act for Kids for Dennis to realise he wasn’t dreaming.

“The next day, we received our second phone call, which was when we actually realized that this must be real – how unbelievable!”

Dennis won first prize in Platinum Class Lottery Draw 84 after buying his first ever tickets, a multi-buyer ticket which put him in the running to win an additional prize.

Not only did Dennis win a brand new Mercedes-Benz, he also won $10,000 in platinum bullion.

After experiencing financial struggles with building a new home, some good news finally came Dennis’ way.

“This will give us heaps more possibilities for our wishes after all the stress we have been through.”

Dennis heard about Act for Kids at his local shopping centre and thought it was a great cause. He decided to buy three tickets for just $100, which meant he had an incredible 1 in 3,666 chance of winning first prize on his first try.


“Too Good To Be True”

When aged care worker Mr. C.S. received a call from Dr. Neil Carrington, Act for Kids CEO, to say he had won first prize in the Platinum Class Lottery Draw 85, he was shocked.

Not only did Mr. C.S. from Queensland become the owner of a brand new Mercedes-Benz worth over $100,000, he also won $10,000 in Platinum Bullion for a second time.

“To be honest, part of me didn’t believe it,” he claimed. “I actually Googled the name of the representative from Act for Kids as it seemed too good to be true.”

The two-time winner, who also took home $10,000 in Gold Bullion in Draw 34, described the lottery result as “beyond fantastic… especially given the challenges many are facing as a result of COVID-19.”

Having bought Platinum Class Lottery tickets for over a decade, Mr. C.S. said although he was thrilled with the “amazing prizes” on offer, the opportunity to direct funds to children and families in need was the real motivator behind his ongoing support.

“Thank you Act for Kids… for the prizes, but mostly for the good you achieve every day in those children’s lives.”

Mr. C.S. is hoping to complete a hat-trick of Platinum Class Lottery wins in Draw 86.

For your chance to win and to support children who have suffered trauma, visit

“I’ve never owned a brand new car, so this is something I’ll really cherish.”

A very Merry-cedes Christmas

It was only days before Christmas when one lucky Tasmanian resident received a call she could never have dreamed of…

She had won a Mercedes Benz valued at $103,478 in the Act for Kids Platinum Class Lottery – just in time for Christmas!

The well-deserving winner said she never thought she would own a new car, let alone a Mercedes Benz.

“I’ve never owned a brand new car, so this is something I’ll really cherish.”

With mixed emotions, she was excited to share the news with her family and close friends.

They were all shocked, happy and many were in disbelief.

 “I always research charities before I invest in the cause, so I quickly learnt that Act for Kids is an incredible organisation that offers valuable services free of charge to vulnerable kids,” she said.

“I support Act for Kids because they offer help to abused and neglected kids early in life to prevent and treat a lifetime of suffering.”

After buying 1 ticket for $50, Act for Kids Platinum Class Lottery Draw 82 winner is now the proud owner of a brand new Mercedes Benz GLC 300 4M Coupe.

For your chance to win, visit

“What a surprise, we’re in total disbelief!”

Adelaide resident, Gary, was overjoyed by the news he had won the Act for Kids Platinum Class Lottery first prize!

Fresh off the plane and ready for an Easter getaway with close friends in Sydney, Gary noticed that he had missed three calls from Act for Kids whilst in transit. Intrigued, Gary retuned the call and was delighted by the news that he had in fact won a brand new Mercedes Benz GLC250 and a $10,000 Platinum Bullion!

Gary found himself and his partner jumping around the hotel room repeatedly screaming “WE WON A CAR”. Speechless and in shock, he could not believe that they had won such an extravagant prize.

From sharing the news with their close friends and family, and after having a glass of wine at a local café to try and process the news, they were still in total disbelief.

After being inspired by the kind work of Act for Kids and seeing the first prize that they could win, Gary bought a ticket in the Platinum Class Lottery.

“Act for Kids is such a good cause, so with no expectation of winning we thought, ‘you just never know your luck’. We can’t say thank you enough to Act for Kids for this absolute surprise”, Gary said.

For so long Gary and his partner have been teasing themselves about one day upgrading their vehicles. Recently, they were considering selling both of their cars to enable them to upgrade to a nicer, more spacious car similar to the Mercedes GLC250.

Winning the Mercedes Benz has given Gary the flexibility to both keep his beloved Ute and enjoy the luxurious GLC without having a large debt hanging over them.

Gary purchased just three tickets for $100 in the lottery, and had a 1 in 2,666 chance of winning. For your chance to win, visit

It’s a win-win for the W family!

The W family were utterly speechless when they found out they had won $10,000 in Platinum Bullion!

After buying 3 tickets for just $100 in Draw 77 of the Act for Kids Platinum Class Lottery, the couple never expected to receive a call at work from Act for Kids CEO Dr Neil Carrington to say they had won!

By supporting Act for Kids since the very first draw in 2006, the Queenslanders have helped Act for Kids provide 80 hours of life-changing therapy to children who have suffered abuse or neglect.

The W family said they consider their entries as donations to help vulnerable kids overcome their trauma.

“Act for Kids is an organisation we believe provides valuable services to our community. We have supported the organisation for many years.

“It fills a need our public services do not cover. It seems to be a growing problem in modern society,” they said.

“We will continue to support Act for Kids into the future. It deserves continued wider recognition.”

As Platinum Reserve Members, the W family received automatic and priority allocation of tickets to each Platinum Class Lottery, plus exclusive entries to win additional prizes.

A new Mercedes-Benz and 14 years of healing little hearts!

After supporting Act for Kids since the very first Platinum Class Lottery Draw in 2006, Cathy from Victoria couldn’t believe it when she found out she had just won a brand new Mercedes-Benz GLA45 AMG and $10,000 in platinum bullion!

Act for Kids CEO Dr Neil Carrington said Cathy not only won a total prize pool of nearly $110,000, but more importantly, she made an incredible difference to the lives of children who have suffered abuse and neglect.

“Every single ticket helps Act for Kids provide life-changing therapy and treatment to children right across Australia who have experienced trauma.

“Because of Cathy, vulnerable children have a second chance at childhood,” Dr Carrington said.

After finding out she would receive her brand new car just in time for Christmas, the Draw 75 winner said she was absolutely delighted!

“The win has definitely made Christmas a lot more exciting. I never ever thought I would win something so amazing! Financially, a real bonus too,” she said.

Cathy said she has supported Act for Kids for 14 years, buying a $100 multi-buyer ticket in every single draw, because the thought of any harm coming to her five children or any child is too much to bare.

“Act for Kids is just such a worthy cause. Anything that helps children is a winner for me,” Cathy said.

On my last day of work, I won a brand new Mercedes Benz!

It is safe to say that Mark from South Australia is living proof that if you give the world your very best the best will come right back to you.

Despite their struggles, Mark and his family have consistently given back to the community. For many years, Mark has donated his time and money to countless not-for-profit organisations and has been an active member of the Mankind Project. Mark’s partner, after suffering abuse as a child and as an adult, now runs a women’s, youth and children’s group to help other women grow, heal and overcome their trauma.

After tirelessly giving to others in need, Mark sadly lost his job, and was worried about how he was going to provide for his family. On Mark’s very last day of work, not long after hearing he had been let go, Mark, a long-time supporter of Act for Kids, received a call from Act for Kids CEO Dr Neil Carrington to say he had just won a brand new Mercedes-Benz!

Mark couldn’t believe it! The Draw 74 winner said it seemed surreal that on his last day of work he won a brand new Mercedes Benz worth almost $100,000 along with $10,000 in platinum bullion.

“The win definitely came at the right time. My partner and I only had one vehicle between us and losing my job was scary financially. Now we have breathing space, can plan for our future and can try to make the best out of this win.”

After buying 3 ticket for just $100, Mark had an incredible 1 in 3000 chance of winning first prize!

Mark said when buying tickets in the Act for Kids Platinum Class Lottery draws he had never envisioned being the first prize winner, and certainly not during such a tough time in his life.

“With Act for Kids, it has always felt like donating to a good cause.

“My partner and I have both known adults damaged from the abuse they suffered as children, and it is a lifetime of suffering. It shouldn’t happen. Children need to feel safe and loved,” he said.

“I am driving a beautiful new car!”

Little did long-time supporter of Act for Kids Kylie know that when entering the Platinum Class Lottery as a donation to support Act for Kids, she would win a brand new luxury Mercedes-Benz worth almost $100,000, plus $10,000 in Platinum Bullion!

When Kylie from Queensland received the call from Act for Kids CEO Dr Neil Carrington to say she was the first prize winner of the Act for Kids Platinum Class Lottery, she was so excited that all she could do was laugh!

Kylie said she had never even dreamed of winning when entering into the Act for Kids Platinum Class Lottery. She had always considered her entries as donations to support the vital work of Act for Kids.

“In 2015, I attended a conference where Dr Neil Carrington was a guest speaker, and I was very impressed with the work being done by Act for Kids.

“I have purchased tickets in the Platinum Class Lottery ever since and looked at it as a donation to the charity,” Kylie said.

When Kylie purchased a multi-buyer ticket for just $100, she had an amazing 1 in 3,000 chance of winning first prize and choosing between a luxurious black GLE250D SUV and a shiny white SLC200 Roadster.

To show your support and for your chance to be our next lottery winner call 1800 968 946 or visit

A Very Merry Mercedes-Benz Christmas

Long-time supporter of Act for Kids, D.T, was relaxing at home, when she received the exciting call to say she had won a brand new Mercedes-Benz and a bonus $10,000 in platinum bullion, just in time for Christmas!

D.T, a Platinum Reserve Member, was very excited to find out she was in fact the first prize winner of the Act for Kids Platinum Class Lottery Draw 70, with the choice of two Mercedes-Benz models, after purchasing three tickets for just $100.

Act for Kids CEO, Dr Neil Carrington had the honour of unveiling the shiny white Mercedes-Benz GLC250 to D.T and her husband at Mercedes-Benz Brisbane. It was a Christmas dream come true for the lucky couple, with the handover of keys on the 27th of December 2017.

Dr Neil Carrington said Act for Kids appreciates the generosity and commitment of people like D.T and her husband who have supported Act for Kids since 2014.

“We provide therapy and treatment for as many vulnerable kids and families as possible. In the last year, we were able to provide free services to an incredible 34,324 kids and families in Australia. The proceeds from our Platinum Class Lottery are vital for us to continue to provide intensive treatment for abused and neglected kids,” Dr Carrington said.

D.T has shown her support for Act for Kids for many years, as a regular buyer of Platinum Class Lottery tickets and participating in the 2015 Trek for Kids in Vietnam.

“I support Act for Kids because it is based in Brisbane and is a cause that needs monetary support to help overcome the problem of child abuse in Australia. I think it is a well-run charity and I have great respect for the people that work there and the work they do,” D.T said.

To show your support and for your chance to be our next lottery winner call 1800 968 946 or visit

“Oh wait! I did win a lottery!”

Little did Draw 69 winner Chris know that whilst at the Gold Coast 600 Supercar event he would receive a call to say he had won a brand new Mercedes-Benz.

Chris was in complete shock when he found out he was the winner of the Act for Kids Platinum Class Lottery Draw 69, with the choice of two Mercedes-Benz models, a C200 Cabriolet or a SLC200 Roadster.

“It was like finding out you’ve won the lottery… oh wait! I did win a lottery! I was delighted to choose… the Cabriolet.”

With only 9,000 tickets issued in the Platinum Class Lottery, Chris had a one in 9,000 chance of winning from a total prize pool of $144,266.53. Of course, the more tickets you buy, the more chances you have of winning additional bonus prizes, such as an extravagant holiday valued up to $25,000.

Chris was so excited that he told his mum, who had to sit down after hearing the big news. He was then off to collect his winnings.

“I flew to Brisbane to take delivery of the car and even when the keys were in my hand, it still didn’t feel real!”

Not only was Chris delighted about his brand new car, he was happy to have supported a good cause.

“I like to support charities that do good work and actually help people. I know it may sound clichéd, but children are our future, and the work and help that Act for Kids does goes a long way to ensuring that the future for abused and neglected children is a brighter one.”

For your chance to be our next lottery winner call 1800 968 946 or visit

Over $130,000 won!

It took three days before Mrs H from South Australia listened to the message on her phone from Dr Katrina Lines, acting CEO of Act for Kids. Dr Lines had left a message to say that Mrs H was the winner of the Act for Kids Platinum Class Lottery Draw 62, and was now the proud owner of a luxurious brand new Mercedes-Benz.

“I finally listened to the message that I received on Friday late Sunday night. I then debated whether it was too late to return the call. Finally after some pushing from my husband, he was very excited, I called her back. It was after 9pm.” Mrs H said.

“I was so happy to give Mrs H the great news. Not only did I get to tell her about the car but also that she had won $25,000 in platinum bullion. I don’t know who was more excited, Mrs H or her husband Mr P who I could hear in the background.” Dr Lines said.

Once the call had finished the first thing Mrs H and Mr P did was to jump online to look at the car.

“The car was amazing.” Mr P said. “A few days later we visited our local Mercedes-Benz dealership to see the car in the yard. That’s when we decided we would personally pick the car up from Brisbane and take our time to drive back to South Australia.”

Dr Neil Carrington, CEO for Act for Kids, had the honour of unveiling the metallic silver E200 Saloon at Mercedes-Benz Brisbane in Fortitude Valley, and handing the keys to the lucky winners on Friday 9 September.

The E200 valued at over $100,000 was brand new to the Australian market only arriving in Australia a month earlier. Mrs H and Mr P were also rewarded the largest multi buyer prize of $25,000, in platinum or a holiday, for buying seven tickets. Their total prize package won was over $130,000.

Mrs H and Mr P are long-time supporters of Act for Kids. Coincidently Lottery Draw 63 marked their tenth year of supporting abused and neglected kids.

Despite the recent win, Mrs H is continuing to support Act for Kids. “It is such a good cause, and this is my way of supporting kids who need help.”

For your chance to be our next lottery winner call 1800 968 946 or visit


What does it feel like to be a Platinum Class Lottery winner?

Dreams do come true

When S.W from South Australia received the call he had won the Platinum Reserve Members Draw in the Act for Kids Platinum Class Lottery Draw 62, he was so emotional he was brought to tears.

“I couldn’t believe it. I was only just looking at my tickets (that) morning praying I would win.”

The win of $10,000 in platinum couldn’t have come at a better time for S.W and his wife. They had been struggling financially for 14 weeks following an operation to his shoulder.

“Things were getting really hard for us. I hadn’t worked in the last 14 weeks and being self-employed I wasn’t receiving an income.”

The win for S.W and his wife has been a life changer. The worry of paying bills or putting food on the table has been eased by the $10,000 in platinum.

“We are so happy and thankful. Act for Kids is a wonderful charity doing so much wonderful work. I will definitely be continuing my support and buying more tickets.”

Act for Kids Acting CEO, Dr Katrina Lines, who made the call to S.W said, “I wished I was calling to give S.W the car. The distress he has been experiencing recently was so sad. But who knows what will happen in the future. He may win the car next time.”

S.W and his wife have been supporting abused and neglected kids by buying lottery tickets since December 2014, and are Platinum Reserve Members. Being a Platinum Reserve Member guarantees S.W a chance of winning a luxury Mercedes-Benz plus he is eligible for two bonus prizes – 10 draws of 20 Platinum Class tickets in each lottery and $10,000 worth of Platinum Bullion.

Twice lucky!

Mr &  Mrs P from Western Australia were over the moon when they received the call to say they had won first prize in the Act for Kids Platinum Class Lottery, Draw 59.  In particular as they had already won before!

“Winning the lottery once is amazing but winning it twice was a totally unexpected surprise.  We started buying tickets five months ago. Our intention was not to win, but to support a fantastic charity that does wonderful work in the community, and gives vulnerable kids and families a better chance in life.” said Mr P.

As winners of Draw 57 and Draw 59, they have won two Mercedes-Benz valued at over $170,000 plus $30,000 in platinum bullion.

Lottery buyers have a great chance to win. Only 9,000 tickets are issued and the more you buy the more chances of winning additional bonus prizes.

“It’s great odds, said Act for Kids CEO, Dr Neil Carrington. “We’ve had a few winners, who have won more than once, but most importantly the people who do purchase tickets in our lottery are giving kids the safe and happy childhood, free from abuse and neglect, they deserve.

“When I saw the car, I loved it.”

Draw 54 winner Lynette was on holiday in Fiji when she received the good news call.

She said she had to sit down when she heard the news and her husband wondered what was going on. He wasn’t too worried when a huge smile erupted across her face! Lynette had won first prize in the Act for Kids Platinum Lottery Draw 54, with the choice of a Mercedes-Benz SLK200 or ML 250 and $10,000 in bullion.

Lynette spent her next week in Fiji thinking about the car. “We went straight to Mercedes-Benz Brisbane when we arrived home, and as soon as I saw the car I loved it.  It feels like I am driving in a lounge chair. I love it!”

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