About Us

Platinum Class Lottery is one of the major fundraising activities to raise funds for Act for Kids.

Act for Kids is a for-purpose organisation that delivers evidence-based professional therapy and support services to children and families, who have experienced or are at risk of harm.

Through prevention, treatment, research, education and advocacy, we are committed to supporting thousands of children, young people and their families.

Since 1988, Act for Kids  have helped thousands of Australian children and families who have experienced, or are at risk of child abuse and neglect.

We work to …

  • keep kids safe by providing information, support and counselling to help parents care for their children
  • help families develop new ways to cope in times of stress
  • support and counsel children who have experienced trauma from abuse or neglect.

The issue …

Child abuse and neglect is one of Australia’s biggest and most misunderstood social problems.

Despite being under-reported, Australian authorities  confirmed between 2021 and 2022, there were over 470,000^ reports made to child protection authorities in Australia. In that same 12 months, 47,516^ children were confirmed to have suffered abuse or neglect. That’s 124 cases every single day.

In 2022-2023, Act for Kids helped 40,292 people, 22,869 of those were kids.

How you can help …

You can show your support by buying tickets in our Platinum Class Lottery. Proceeds from the lottery are vital for us to continue providing intensive treatment for abused and neglected kids free of charge.

There are six Platinum Class Lottery draws each year.  

Tickets are $50 each  and gives you a great chance to win a brand new Mercedes-Benz! If you spend $100 or more, you could win extra prizes worth up to $25,000. Join as a Platinum Reserve member and receive your tickets automatically for each draw plus additional chances to win prizes worth up to $20,000 in exclusive draws for Platinum Reserve members!

Don’t miss out! Buy a Platinum Class Lottery ticket today and give a brighter future to more children.

^ Source: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2020. Child Protection Australia 2018-19. Child welfare series no.72. Cat. No. CWS 74. Canberra: AIHW

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